Happy Marriage Pact
Class Options
We offer Something to Do classes & Relationship Master Classes!
See our list of classes below.
See our list of classes below.
Happy Marriage Pact Classes ♥
Treat your partner to something different in this relaxed environment where you can be you.
Treat your partner to something different in this relaxed environment where you can be you.
Couples Development Classes
Dates: Relationship Master Classes Open enrollment: Intake call (By appointment) Orientation - scheduled by representative We offer four a Couples Development Curriculum:
Call for more information on how you can get started in one of our classes or simply complete our interest form. Call to confirm availability of classes. Seasonal classes are offered now. Class Offerings Classes for this month are Something to do Classes: 1. Call for more information Couples Development Classes: 1. Developing Your Marital Relationship - [See Syllabus] Call for times offered: (405)748-0091 |
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Something to Do - Couples Classes
These classes are offered at various times. Inquire about our instructors Dates: Open enrollment: We offer 7 Something to Do classes
Register Below or submit an interest form here for one of our representatives to contact you.
Happy Marriage Pact
Couple Development Classes
Our Happy Marriage Pact classes are geared towards equipping you with the tools to embrace your marriage with confidence that you will be able to establish and maintain long term results. Classes are set up in a non traditional format. Please review the classes and the options that fit your needs.
♥ Discovery and Seriously Dating Class
This class helps a person to understand aspects of themselves as it relates to their partner. It facilitates a more in depth look at a variety of factors that impact the quality of your relationship.
* Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
* Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
♥ Pre-Marital Class
This class helps couples to explore their tools and mindset towards the unity of marriage, faith, and practice as they prepare for marriage.
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
♥ The Happy Marriage Pact ♥ - Class
This is class helps couples to explore their tools and mindset towards the unity and practice of marriage. It is a journey of healing, redefining and empowering the couple in purpose and action.
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
+ Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
♥ Trying again- Love after Divorce Class
Although some people may have experienced a failed marriage, it does not mean that they don't have a second chance at love. This class helps an individual through self evaluation and practical applications discover healing ways to relate to others and accept themselves. We believe that you can experience love after a divorce. The Happy Marriage Pact has very applicable approaches to shape your experiences as well.
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
- Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class
Application is required:
+Prices Include cost of enrollment, class, group, and online resource access.
- Does not include cost of recommended books, counseling services, any other online services or products
- No refunds after classes have started.
- Initial Deposits are accepted. Payment plans are available.
Class Options:
30 Day Class 90 Day Class 120 Day Class 1 year Class