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This week's prayer July 11-July 17, 2021
A Prayer for Today
by Calvin Smith | 7/12/2021 |
Today Lord, we acknowledge you as most High our habitation. We praise you with our mouths rejoicing in you this morning. As we acknowledge you Lord we stand on your word to us believing that you hears us and you delight in us.
Today we come boldly before Your throne of Grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Today we ask for victories in our health, relationships, families, work, ministries, communities, and government over evil, misdirection, deception, lack, illness, possession, oppression and any thing that is not like you that would oppose, distract, or manipulate/mislead us, your people who are in Christ. We denounce any word, action, deed that we have thought, spoken or agreed to that is against your operation in our lives. We ask for and receive Your work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fill every place left vacated by our denunciation. In Jesus name and authority we bind the works of the enemy and cancel every assignment against us. I accept and receive your salvation and promises for my life in Jesus name. Holy Spirit you are welcome. Please come and help me.We also pray for the salvation of the lost that you would open doors that they may see clearly and their sight restored to recognize your call and presence in their life. We bind the works of the devil/enemy of God asking for your miraculous interactions of restoration and reconciliation to you Father God through Christ Jesus. I pray for the miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit confirming your word with signs and wonders following. Today we pray for you to guide us, as well as the hands of spiritual leadership, physicians, lawmakers, family,civil, governmental authorities, and politicians. Your kingdom come,your will be done. Thank you Lord for being our ever present help in the time of trouble. Help us that we may not be weary in well doing but faithful over all things you have given us charge to do. We ask for your divine guidance, intervention, witty ideas, supernatural favor, Holy Alliances, and an overflow of resources to do the work you are calling us to do. Today we speak increase. That we abound in the grace of God and have all things that pertain to life and godliness. Today we rejoice in you Lord, and again I say we rejoice. Greater are You who is in us than he who is in the world. Today we step out in faith, purpose, the power of the Holy Spirit, His unction/guidance and authority. Today we say let God arise and His enemies be scattered in Jesus almighty and precious name above every name. We give you praise today thanking you for breakthrough in our purpose and callings. We thank you for our breakthroughs in the revelation of you and who you are in our lives revealing yourself to us in greater measure. Thank you Jesus for hearing and making intercession for us and for the help you are providing for us as we go out into this day to do your will. We are excited about this day Father because you have made it for us. Thank you for the divine encounters and the lessons you teach us today, the revelation of and the gift of having a relationship with you letting us know your will for us in your purpose today. Thank you Jesus!
We ask for Miraculous intervention, supernatural healing and favor, for pouring out your blessings of heaven over us, and to make a way for us supernaturally even where there is no way, from unexpected sources even release blessings to us, prosper the work of our guided hands with your anointing that destroys the yokes of bondage, lets the oppressed go free and with the excellence of your gifts that make room for us. Thank you for supplying all our needs and we lack no good thing because you do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Jesus take our thoughts up higher and to see things from your perspective. Give us the mind of Christ to look down at our problems and to pray from a place of power and authority in revelation of who you are in our lives and who we are in you.
Help us to pray from this perspective. Thank you Jesus for helping us pray, thank you Father God for hearing us when we pray. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
by Calvin Smith | 7/12/2021 |
Today Lord, we acknowledge you as most High our habitation. We praise you with our mouths rejoicing in you this morning. As we acknowledge you Lord we stand on your word to us believing that you hears us and you delight in us.
Today we come boldly before Your throne of Grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Today we ask for victories in our health, relationships, families, work, ministries, communities, and government over evil, misdirection, deception, lack, illness, possession, oppression and any thing that is not like you that would oppose, distract, or manipulate/mislead us, your people who are in Christ. We denounce any word, action, deed that we have thought, spoken or agreed to that is against your operation in our lives. We ask for and receive Your work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fill every place left vacated by our denunciation. In Jesus name and authority we bind the works of the enemy and cancel every assignment against us. I accept and receive your salvation and promises for my life in Jesus name. Holy Spirit you are welcome. Please come and help me.We also pray for the salvation of the lost that you would open doors that they may see clearly and their sight restored to recognize your call and presence in their life. We bind the works of the devil/enemy of God asking for your miraculous interactions of restoration and reconciliation to you Father God through Christ Jesus. I pray for the miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit confirming your word with signs and wonders following. Today we pray for you to guide us, as well as the hands of spiritual leadership, physicians, lawmakers, family,civil, governmental authorities, and politicians. Your kingdom come,your will be done. Thank you Lord for being our ever present help in the time of trouble. Help us that we may not be weary in well doing but faithful over all things you have given us charge to do. We ask for your divine guidance, intervention, witty ideas, supernatural favor, Holy Alliances, and an overflow of resources to do the work you are calling us to do. Today we speak increase. That we abound in the grace of God and have all things that pertain to life and godliness. Today we rejoice in you Lord, and again I say we rejoice. Greater are You who is in us than he who is in the world. Today we step out in faith, purpose, the power of the Holy Spirit, His unction/guidance and authority. Today we say let God arise and His enemies be scattered in Jesus almighty and precious name above every name. We give you praise today thanking you for breakthrough in our purpose and callings. We thank you for our breakthroughs in the revelation of you and who you are in our lives revealing yourself to us in greater measure. Thank you Jesus for hearing and making intercession for us and for the help you are providing for us as we go out into this day to do your will. We are excited about this day Father because you have made it for us. Thank you for the divine encounters and the lessons you teach us today, the revelation of and the gift of having a relationship with you letting us know your will for us in your purpose today. Thank you Jesus!
We ask for Miraculous intervention, supernatural healing and favor, for pouring out your blessings of heaven over us, and to make a way for us supernaturally even where there is no way, from unexpected sources even release blessings to us, prosper the work of our guided hands with your anointing that destroys the yokes of bondage, lets the oppressed go free and with the excellence of your gifts that make room for us. Thank you for supplying all our needs and we lack no good thing because you do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Jesus take our thoughts up higher and to see things from your perspective. Give us the mind of Christ to look down at our problems and to pray from a place of power and authority in revelation of who you are in our lives and who we are in you.
Help us to pray from this perspective. Thank you Jesus for helping us pray, thank you Father God for hearing us when we pray. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.