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Commit to 1 Year of Prayer, Action, & Growth in your Relationship.
Are you Ready?
[Online Program Description]
Prayers are a fundamental part of Christian faith. In my program I will encourage you to develop a habit of prayer. This will be a part of your spiritual health diet. Why? Because prayers can foster intimacy, connection, and help a couple to overcome the challenges of life with a different level of confidence and resilience offered through Christ. For this reason I have outlined some prayers that I have prayed. The Bible says the prayers of the righteous avails much. I encourage you to become comfortable praying for your spouse. These are examples but I expect that as you grow comfortable with this exercise you will begin to develop your own specific prayers for your spouse. When you pray, believe that God hears your prayers. Believe that you will receive the answers to your requests. Keep an open mind and pay attention to those requests that you make so that when they happen you can jot your answered prayers, revelations, and amazing moments in your prayer journal.
- Here are some of My Prayer Topics found in my member corner.
- Prayer for Restoration of Your Relationship
- Prayer for Those in a Challenging Relationship
- Prayer to Find a Companion
- Praying for Your Companion